Remain notified of business critical information in advance.
MaxxNotification Booster alerts on different kind of information to different users as per their roles defined like Re-Order Inventory, Overstock Inventory, PDC Receipts Maturity, PDC Payments Maturity, Expiry Products, Short Expiry Products, Bills Receivables, Bills Payables, etc.
MaxxNotifications helps its users by notifying business critical information in advance so that appropriate action could be taken. It notifies information as per user roles & permission so that only relevant information is displayed to the user. On-screen popup are triggered for different kind of notifications like Bills Payables, Bills Receivables, Expiry products, PDC Maturity, Re-Order levels, etc thus enabling users to do abundance of business with peace of mind.
Key Features
- Quick on-screen pop-up Notifications.
- Critical inventory levels update.
- Due Payments / Receipts & Matured PDC’s reminders.
- User-level role permissions on notification information display.
- Expiry / Short-expiry products alert.
- More business by managing required inventory levels.
- Faster payments / receipts follow ups.
- Auto-on screen alerts for users on login.
- Avoid follow ups / reminders to different users.
- Helps take right action on time.