Quickly find all your business related documents at one place.
Quickly attach / detach multiple documents with any master / transactions, option to quickly identify and open the document on double click, option to attach image with each product, user, customer, vendor as well as barcode, Web-Cam integration option for direct capture and attach image facility.
Documents act as a legal proof of any transaction and it's very important for every business to maintain and keep track of them for future reference. MaxxERP has an in-built document management system that helps you attach document with every master and transaction by creating a local copy of it in MaxxERP installation directory so that they remain intact and can be quickly referred even in case of system migration / actual source file deletion. Images can be attached/captured from web-cam for every product / barcode / user / employee / sales person / customer / vendor. Any number of documents can be attached with every master / transaction which can be quickly opened by simply double clicking on the required document.

- MaxxERP is a beautiful online Document management software.
- Its very simple & easy to use Document Management software over the cloud.
- Being a Web based Document Management software makes it accessible anywhere over internet.
- MaxxERP is the best Document Management software system that can be used on Desktop, Web and Mobile.
- Manage your business Document Management related operations with Complete Clarity.
- MaxxERP is a secured online Document Management bookkeeping application on cloud for small businesses too.

Key Features
Quickly attach and refer documents
- Attach any number of document with every master / transaction.
- Local copy of document is created for easy maintenance and access.
- Web-Cam image capture option for product / barcode / user / employee / sales person / customer / vendor.
- Easy add/remove document option as well as quick double click and open document option.
- Option of auto-backup of all documents on quit as well as in MaxxCloudBackup business booster.