Personalize your voucher print formats as you like.
MaxxReportDesigner tool helps users to design all the reports formats in personalized way. MaxxReportDesigner design reports that supports for all types printers like Laser / Thermal and Dot Matrix Printers with varied paper sizes. Using MaxxReportDesigner handy tool the user can design fortune 500 style professional invoices and voucher prints along with their company logo.
Presentation is one of the most important aspect of every Business today. Where still many are preparing manual/excel vouchers, a lot of time, cost and manpower can be saved by automating the business process. MaxxReportDesigner tool brings in a solution for this by one time designing of various business related vouchers and documents like Delivery Challan,Tax Invoice, Receipts, Payments, etc in a personalized way which can be printed, exported in different formats as well as directly emailed. MaxxReportDesigner is developed in a such a way that each and every data field of software is available for mapping and printing in the reports. Users can even create their our own formula, special fields, embed pictures, etc and map them to the print format.
Key Features
- Quickly design reports.
- Easy steps to edit report formats.
- Supports all printers - Laser,Thermal and Dot matrix printer.
- User friendly designer interface.
- All screen data fields can be mapped to report format.
- Easy dynamic formula based field creation and mapping.
- Option to insert images in reports.
- Complex reports can be designed in simple ways.
- Save time to design a report.
- Saves print format customization cost.
- Avoids technical support manpower intervention for customization.
- Personalized report format can be created as desired.
- Branding can be maintained by inserting logo in the report.
- Increase Customer Trust & Reliability.