Quickly find any info about an account, product, transaction or despatch.

MaxxSearchEngine Booster helps to search any transaction details quickly. MaxxSearchEngine searches transactions on the basis of search value given by user like Cheque No, LR No or Amount.

A Search engine is an wonderful tool used to search anything quickly. MaxxSearchEngine helps to find all the transaction available in MaxxERP as per the search value defined. Users can quickly drill down to transaction detail from multiple search results thus increasing operation efficiency and clarity.


Key Features

  • All Possible results are listed when we set a search value.
  • Quick transaction Searching tool.
  • Users can drill to transaction details.
  • Date range and other filter options to fine tune search results.

  • User Friendly Search engine.
  • Time saving.
  • Clarity in finding any transaction details.
  • Easy to track duplicate entries.
