Professional Invoice + Clear Calculations = Trust + Better Customer Relationship.
Fortune 500 style professional invoice, Self Designable, Thermal/Laser/Dot-Matrix printers supported, Useful Information / Suggestion as per the data entry flow like Customers Performance Graph, Outstandings, Alerts on Credit days/Limit, Customer wise Product wise rate & discount history, Multiple Currencies, Different modes of Payment and Advance/Returns direct adjustment... and many more so that you can focus on selling more.
MaxxERP is a very simple and easy Invoicing and Billing software using which you can now generate & email Fortune 500 style professional invoices along with your personalized logo and make an impact on your customers. MaxxERP has a very simple and intuitive Invoicing interface which provides dynamic suggestions and alerts to the user along with the data entry flow. Features like Customers outstanding history, quick import of Pending Orders / Delivery Notes / Quotations, Smart alerts and rate history, Multiple Currencies, Robust user level security and permissions for printing /editing days along with being blazingly fast and accurate makes it a reliable solution so that you can focus on your business and leave do’s and don’ts on MaxxERP.

- MaxxERP is a beautiful online Invoicing management software.
- Its very simple & easy to use invoicing software over the cloud.
- Being a Web based Invoicing software makes it accessible anywhere over internet.
- MaxxERP is the best Invoicing software system that can be used on Desktop, Web and Mobile.
- Manage your business Invoicing related operations with Complete Clarity.
- MaxxERP is a secured online Invoice bookkeeping application on cloud for small businesses too.

Key Features
Flexible & Intuitive Features
- Customers and Product search with any where search capability.
- Customer outstanding balance along with address details.
- Option to choose Billing address and Shipping address.
- Direct Customer creation.
- Direct Product creation.
- Copy from any to any voucher – to avoid data entry.
- One click returns – to avoid data entry.
- Integration with Maxx Alerts – For SMS & Email Alerts.
- Quick Attach documents.
- Transaction Monitor option
- Transaction Reminder setup option
- Product wise / Transaction wise Sales Person integration option.
- Product wise / Transaction wise Multiple Discount setup option.
- Option to define and select multiple currencies.
- Bill Type options – CASH / CREDIT / OTHERS (Modes of Payment)
- Option to setup Multiple Expenses with expense calculation as per percentage.
- Option for Tax Inclusive / Rate + Tax / As Applicable (Defined in Product Master).
- Option to setup tax on expenses.
- Print / Export in multiple formats / Email Invoices with option to set approval for re-print.

Smart Alerts, Suggestions & Options
- Credit days exceed Alert / Block
- Credit limit exceed Alert / Block
- Alert / Block on rate less than Sales rate / Last supplied rate / Cost rate
- Alert on same product being repeated in same transaction again.
- Alert on customer wise same transaction amount in recent history to avoid duplication.
- Customer wise Product wise last 10 supplied rate history.
- Auto suggestion option to import multiple pending orders in a single invoice along with stock status.
- Auto suggestion option to import multiple pending delivery notes in a single invoice along with stock status.
- Auto suggestion option to import multiple pending quotations in a single invoice along with stock status.
- Multiple warehouse wise qty selection in a single line item.
- Multiple batch / barcode wise qty selection in a single line item with option to scan barcodes.
- Option to adjust the voucher against Advances / Returns (If any) upon transaction save.

Quick History & Information Access
- Customer History Performance Graph.
- Customer Bills receivable history access.
- Quick track Ledger entries related to transaction.
- Quick track payment/adjustment status of the voucher.
- Quick track User action log of the transaction.
- Quick track of Tax summary of the transaction.
- Quick track of Product / Product Group summary of transaction.
- Quick track detailed Product trading history while data entry.
- Quick track detailed Customer trading history while data entry.
- Quick track all references - orders / delivery notes / quotations that are linked/imported in the transaction.
- Quick browse to Customer wise previous / next transactions.