Expand your business to chain stores with MaxxDataConnector.
MaxxDataConnector Booster tool helps to synchronize MaxxERP Data across multiple Locations(Branches) / Sub-Locations & Users. Sync options - Offline (Export/Import), Online (Thru MaxxERP Cloud Server), Online Direct Sync to HO/Parent Database connected over Static IP.
Offline billing with auto-synchronization is the necessity of every growing business today where transaction volume is high generally in Multi-branch operations / Retail chain stores which requires fast transaction processing as well as centralized data availability at HO for different kinds of data analysis & actions. MaxxDataConnector Booster helps in auto/ on-demand/manual data synchronization for exchanging data between multiple Location/Sub-Locations. MaxxDataConnector has 3 interfaces to synchronize data - 1) Offline data import/export, 2) Online auto sync through MaxxERP cloud server, 3) Online direct sync to HO database instance connected over Static IP. MaxxDataConnector is a robust and flawless synchronization tool that guarantees 100% data accuracy in sync.
Key Features
- Sync between multiple locations or single location with multiple sub-locations or both.
- Online/Offline (Export/Import) modes for sync supported.
- Auto timely/ On-Demand data sync through MaxxERP cloud server service.
- Direct sync of data to HO database instance over Static IP.
- Sync rules definition.
- Complete user access and permissions control from HO location.
- Offline application access with auto sync.
- No data loss.
- Auto / On-Demand data sync available.
- Multi-branch operations can be easily handled.
- Save Time, Efforts & Cost.
- Peace of mind guaranteed.