Setup offers and Sell more… Sell more = Earn more.
Create different schemes valid for a Date Range/Happy Days/Happy Hours - Create Combo Offers, Setup Discount Coupon Codes, Issue Gift vouchers & Complementary vouchers with validity and ensure your sales keeps boosted consistently.
MaxxERP helps you quickly create define different Offers & Schemes ensuring your sales keeps ticking. The offers could be defined for a specific date range / for specific week days (happy days) / for specific hours on specific days (happy hours) ensuring the sales and footfalls keeps flowing even during off seasons / weekdays. MaxxERP also helps you to define different gift vouchers with a value and validity date, issue them to direct customers/company/corporate for their employees to pre-book / pre-confirm sales. Defining Coupon Codes in MaxxERP helps you promote your products and services over Radio / News Paper with a random code using which customers could have the advantage of availing special discounts.

- MaxxERP is a beautiful online offer and schemes management software.
- Its very simple & easy to use offer and schemes software over the cloud.
- Being a Web based offer and schemes software makes it accessible anywhere over internet.
- MaxxERP is the best offer and schemes software system that can be used on Desktop, Web and Mobile.
- Manage your business offer and schemes related operations with Complete Clarity.
- MaxxERP is a secured online bookkeeping of offers and schemes application on cloud for small businesses too.

Key Features
Manage your offer & schemes updates regularly at a click
- Offer date range options
- Specific date range
- Happy Days - (Specific week days)
- Happy Hours – (Specific Hours of a day)
- Easy to setup offer options
- Buy X, Get X Free – Eg: Buy 1 Jeans, Get 1 Jeans Free
- Buy X, Get Y Free – Eg: Buy 1 Jeans, Get 1 T-Shirt Free. The same can be used to define Buy 2 X and get the second at half rate/at discounted rate.
- Bill Discount – Eg: Buy above 5000 and get flat 500 discount amount or get 10% off on bill value.
- Product Wise Discount – Eg: Buy a specific product, or a product from specific group/brand/category and get at 100 less or get at 5% discount.
- Group Category Brand Bill Discount – Eg: Buy 1 Shirt, 1 Pant, 1 T-Shirt and get 300 off. Buy 3 Shirts of Indian Terrain and get 500 off. Buy any 3 Jeans and get 600 off.
- Combo Bill Discount – Eg: Buy 1 Kg Sugar+1 Kg Salt+1 Kg Flour and get 100 off.
- Gift and Complementary Vouchers with a value and validity/expiry date setup and print option.
- Gift and Complementary voucher issue/expiry report.
- Coupon Codes with auto generated random alpha numeric code with option to define date range and for N numbers of customers only. Eg: Coupon valid for 1 day and for first 100 buyers only.
- Coupon Codes application report.
- Option to define ‘Exclusive’ in offer setup which is used to apply only one exclusive offer in a transaction.
- Seamless integration in POS.