Define Targets, Analyze Actual, Make Corrections & become more productive.
Target module enables entrepreneurs to generate peak performance and make their team more productive. Yearly and monthly turnover targets definition option for Sales Person / Customer / Area / City / State / Sub Group / Product / Product Group / Brand / Category along with its graphical variation reports helps you compare actual on monthly basis and make necessary corrections to improvise on performance.
Target module helps entrepreneurs define individual yearly/monthly turnover targets for different entities of business like Sales Persons, Customer, Account Group, Sub Group, Area, City, State, Country, Product, Product Group, Category, Brand, etc. A graphical variation report shows you entity wise comparison of targets against actual on monthly/over all basis in order to analyze gaps using which necessary corrections could be made to improvise on team productivity and performance leading to more profits.

- MaxxERP is a beautiful online targeting management software.
- Its very simple & easy to use targeting software over the cloud.
- Being a Web based target software makes it accessible anywhere over internet.
- MaxxERP is the best targeting software system that can be used on Desktop, Web and Mobile.
- Manage your business targets related operations with Complete Clarity.
- MaxxERP is a secured online targets management application on cloud for small businesses too.

Key Features
Achieve your targets with continuous followup
- Clear definition of goals & turnover targets of different entities for Yearly & Monthly basis.
- Quick copy option to copy targets from one entity to another.
- Option to increase / decrease target value between different months.
- Option to define targets on Parent Group Level / as well as for bottom most individual entity.
- Graphical Target verses Actual Variation Dashboard Report to analyze performance.
- Alerts / Reports / Dashboard for Sales Person users to verify their actual against the target of the month.