MaxxERP MEGA Fashion Show Exhibition | Textile Retail Chain Management Software
August 10, 2015MaxxERP GST Complaint Software Updates Launched
June 25, 2017Dear User,
Thank you for choosing Maxx products and services.
We have released the latest version of MaxxERP, MaxxBIZ and MediMaxx with Tamilnadu VAT eFiling related changes.
You can use the “Check for Updates” option in your application to avail the latest update and follow the below URL to understand the e-Filing process.
After update, you will find the “VAT Annexures New” option as mentioned below
- MaxxERP -> Login to the book -> Accounts Menu -> Statutory -> VAT Annexures New
- MaxxBIZ and MediMaxx -> Login to the book -> Trading Menu -> VAT Annexures New
Step by Step eFiling guide:
Other Links:
- Purchase Annexures – https://ctd.tn.gov.in/Portal/templates/ertn/VAT_Form_I-Purchase_Annexures.zip
- Sales Annexures – https://ctd.tn.gov.in/Portal/templates/ertn/VAT_Form_I-Sales_Annexures.zip
You can reach our support team on 044-42313166 / 044-42113166 / +91-9884112747 in case of any queries.
Peacefully yours,
MaxxCARE – Support Team